Run a Hello World app on Appdoh

by | Apr 7, 2024 | Tutorial

On Appdoh, the Hello World app is available for deployment to help first-time users familiarize with our user interface.

If you haven’t got your free account setup on Appdoh, click here to sign up. Otherwise, let’s sign in and get started.

Step 1. Install the Hello World app

In Marketplace, locate and click the Hello World app.

Click the Install Now button at the top-right corner of the page.

Review and update any settings as required. Usually the default setting works just fine.

Then click Continue. You will see your Hello World app added to your selected workspace.

2 things to  take note here:

  1. The Status shows that this app is not deployed yet.
  2. The URL to your Hello World app is shown under Homepage. Clicking on this URL at this time will show up an error page, since the app is not running.

To start your app, click the Deploy button to kick off the deployment process in the background.

Once your service is updated to Running, click on the URL under Homepage. You should now see this page:

Congratulations, you now have a Hello World app running on Appdoh!